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Emerald is a valuable Beryl that owes its colour to chromium or vanadium, which make it the bright green. Origin of name emerald is said to be a Sanskrit word meaning green (Sanskrit is a classical language of India). Emeralds can have many inclusions and flaws so can be brittle and liable to break.The value of an emerald depends on cut, colour, clarity and carat. Clear stones with vibrant colour command the highest prices. It is found in Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, East Africa, India, Madagascar and Columbia.

Colour : Emeralds come in many shades of green and bluish green.
Hardness : 7.5-8 

Emerald is a pure activator of the heart chakra. It helps you stay centered in your heart’s wisdom, and make choices from love and compassion. It opens your heart to receiving the flow of universal abundance available to us all, and in this way is an abundance stone. Like chrysoprase, it can help heal heartbreak and nourish your emotional self.

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